First Name Title Phone
Montez, ShannonPart-time Instructor, History775-784-4098
Smith, AllisonPart-time Instructor, Music775-784-6145
Cooper, AllisonPart-time Instructor, Early Childhood Education775-445-4272
DesRoches, KimCC Professor – History775-445-4288
Stibick, Amanda Employer Relations Specialist775-445-4296
Valentine, MattPart-time Instructor, Automotive775-445-4272
Bevans, RebeccaCC Professor, Psychology775-445-4291
Mills, ChassityInstructor, Nursing
Gavric, MirjanaAssistant Director of Development775-445-3240
Valenzuela, JonathanWNC Affiliate Instructor
Yates, KelliPart-time Instructor, Certified Nursing Assistant775-423-7565
Evans, WesCommunity College Professor775-856-5316
Allen, RoswellPart Time Instructor, Philosophy775-445-3290
Macchiaverna, KimbirliPart-time Instructor, Nursing775-445-3295
Foglesong, TeresaPart Time Instructor, English Language Learning775-315-3193
Street, AlexCC Instructor, Applied Tech775-544-6260
Ward, SusanCC Instructor, Nursing
Evett, GaryCC Professor, Phys Science775-423-7565
Turner, AdriennePart-time Instructor, Early Childhood Education
Marshall, JonPart-time Instructor, Mathematics
Perez, DaisyData and Special Projects Manager775-445-4456
Bhattarai, SmritiCC Professor, Biology775-445-3280
Green, CindyEmergency Medical Services Program Director
Gehman, TeresaPart Time Instructor, Psychology775-445-3290
Oglesbee, JillPart-time Instructor, Art
Pruett, MadlynPart-time Instructor, English775-445-3290
Saylor, StevenPart Time Instructor, Art775-445-3290
Jones, ScottPart-time Instructor, Biology
Arrigotti, RichardPart-time Instructor, Mathematics
Cirac, Maxine CC Professor, Int Languages775-445-4281
Cornwell, SaraPart-time Instructor, High School Equivalency Preparation
Hammond, BettyPart-time Instructor, American Sign Language
Perez, WilliamPart-time Instructor, Computer Aided Drafting775-445-4272
Rivera, GeoffPart-time Instructor, Computer Information Technology
Rowe, JessicaCC Professor, English775-445-3380
Schmidt, MartinCommunity College Professor, Math
Ghilieri, AmyCC Professor, History775-445-4289
Eppard, RobinPart-time Instructor, Biology
Ash, RobertPart-Time Instructor, Economics
Fairfield, Joel Part-Time Nursing Instructor 775-445-4425
Kubistant, ThomasPart-Time Instructor, Business775-445-3290
Leist, MelissaInstructor, Emergency Medical Services
Peng, ConniePart-Time Instructor, Art775-445-4401
Terry, JosephCommercial Drivers License Instructor
Mitchell, AshleyWNC Affiliate Instructor
Mays, DawnWNC Affiliate Instructor
Kupferschmid, CurtisCC Instructor, English
Porter, KilePart-time Instructor, Computer Information Technology775-544-3373
Michaels, Christopher Director of Institutional Research & Effectiveness775-445-4405
Keele, DonPart time Instructor, Machine Tool Technology
Holliday, ErikaPart-time Instructor, Nursing - Clinical775-445-3294
Frank, CindyCC Professor, Int Languages775-445-4407
Dickson, ShawnWNC Affiliate Instructor
Wentz, Tricia Part-time Instructor, Human Development and Family Studies775-445-3250
Raubolt, KathrynApplication Integration Developer Interm775-445-3333
Armbrust, BrucePart-time Instructor, Mathematics
Tuttle, KendraPart-Time Instructor, Human Development 775-230-3049
Arrigotti, StephanieCC Professor, Fine Arts775-445-4250
Downs, JeffreyCC Professor, Math775-445-4298
Ryan, Chris775-445-4243
Jacques, NickPart-time Instructor, Music Applied/Ensemble/Private
Miranda, Marbelly Operations Support Specialist775-445-3003
Enochs, Justine Part-time Instructor, Psychology
Muir, DesmondPart-time Instructor, Construction Management
Austin, VivianPart Time Instructor, Accounting
Bailey, PhillipPart-Time Instructor, Core Humanities
Otto, CaseyBudget Director775-445-4231
Duerk, JohnCC Instructor, Political Science775-445-4208
Hinkle, TimothyPart Time Instructor, Automotive775-445-4272
Ciminski, RobertInstructor, Nursing
Herring, ThomasCC Professor, Phys Science775-445-4277
O'Toole-Parker, HollyCC Professor, Biology775-445-4253
Dillet, Brigitte775-445-3390
Brady-Herndon, DianaPart Time Instructor, English Language Learning775-445-3299
Madrid, JosePart-time Instructor, Spanish775-379-9093
Casareto, AnaPart-time Instructor, Anthropology
Dunkelberg, LisaCC Instructor, Nursing775-445-4409
Frohlich, DenisePart-Time Instructor, Management
Cutshaw, DebraPart-time Instructor, English775-784-6682
Johnson, RaquelPart-time Instructor, English Language Learning/Literacy
Priest, SusanCC Professor – All Other775-445-3318
Frohlich, Evan Motorcycle Mechanic775-445-4210
Bell, PatrickCC Instructor, Education775-527-1931
Dodge, JohnPart Time Instructor, Automotive775-445-4272
Grime, EvelynPart-time Instructor, Engineering
Mortensen, Krystin Part-Time Instructor 
Swenson, KyliePart-time Instructor, English
Aldridge, AmandaWNC Affiliate Instructor
Jeremiah, MariahPart Time Instructor, Social Work775-445-3290
McBride, NicolePart-time Instructor, English - Developmental
Holcomb, ScottCommunity College Instructor775-856-5318
Bischoff, StefanieCC Instructor, Nursing
Turley, NataliePart-time Instructor, English775-682-6384
O'Brien, Evan Outreach and Access Counselor 775-445-3269
Villatoro, FlorPart Time Instructor, Spanish775-445-3290
Carolan, TaraPart-time Instructor, Criminal Justice
Talavera, KendraPart-time Instructor, Laboratory Technician (Phlebotomy)
Barlow, JamesPart Time Instructor, Community Health Science775-445-4264
Arambula, LesliePart-time Instructor, English
Lenon, Andy Part time Instructor, Educational Psychology
Dye, AdamPart-time Instructor, Mathematics Developmental775-784-6713
Harrison, NigelCC Instructor, Applied Tech775-445-4412
Sawyer, Angela Part-Time Instructor, Finance
Fleming, JoshuaCC Professor, English775-445-3225
Conley, TimPart Time Instructor775-287-9965
Szabo, Diane Part-time- ELL Instructor775-445-4452
Hanifen, KelliPart-time Instructor, Emergency Medical Services, Advanced
Tushbant, JeromePart Time Instructor
Haupt, SunshinePart-time Instructor, Automotive Mechanics Instructor
Council, JacobPart-Time Instructor, Management775-721-7715
Kortemeier, WinnieCC Professor, Phys Science775-445-4285
Clark, JefferyPart-Time Instructor, Criminal Justice775-445-4272
Schichtl, RachelPart-time Instructor, Nutrition
Meshberger, JeremiahPart-time Instructor, Automotive Auto Body
Jones, KatieCC Instructor, English775-445-3391
Gail, Leila Part-time Instructor, Counseling and Personal Deve
Evatt, JeannePart Time Instructor, Art775-423-7565
Wilson, BrianPart Time Instructor, Mathematics775-445-3290
Jeppesen, JorgenCC Instructor, Welding775-445-2224
Bauer, JeremiahPart Time Instructor, History775-445-4401
Matley-Keeney, NataliePart-time Instructor, Certified Nursing Assistant775-445-3294
Spracklin, KaraRoads Workforce Liaison- Administrative Faculty775-445-3008
Conkey, Jayna CC Professor – All Other775-445-4293
Anderson, MatthewCC Professor, Applied Tech
Scheller, TiffanyPart-time Instructor, Nutrition
Christman, PeterInstructor, Mathematics
Coxon, JodyPart-time Instructor, English
Pritsos, EvanPart-time Instructor, Political Science
Peden, MoniquePart-Time Instructor, Management
Riske, DaveProfessor, Computer Information Technology775-445-3255
Leaf, GwaylonTemporary Faculty - Teaching
Aldridge, RoyceWNC Affiliate Instructor
Kaelin, Samantha Project /Program Manager, Program
Andersen, Wendy Executive Assistant to the Vice President775-445-4454
Morse, DaniellePart-time Instructor, Emergency775-445-3294
Morgan, SharonPart-time Instructor, Construction Management775-445-4257
Beller, RonaldInstructor, Machine Tool Technology
Anderson, JordanPart-time Instructor, Economics
Whitcomb, RobertCC Professor, Business775-445-4269
Petty, IrisPart-Time Instructor, History775-335-9518
Linford, BrianAutomotive Technology Instructor-Dual Enrollment
Conrad, Deb Veterans Resources, Prison Education & Apprenticeship Program Director775-445-3301
Casa, TroyPart-time Instructor, English
Theilen, Matthew Part-time Instructor, Art
Peterson, MarcyLead Instructor
Copley-Salem, ChristianCC Instructor, Bio Science775-784-6285
Krueger, ShannaWNC Affiliate Instructor
Leonard, MarkPart Time Instructor, Auto Body775-445-4272
Bell, JosephCC Professor – History775-423-7565 x2222
Blundell, DawnPart-time Educational PSY
Perez Martell, DaisyData and Special Projects Manager775-445-3298
Stiff, RachelCommunity College Professor, Fine Arts775-445-4294
Rossi, NicoleDevelopment Coordinator775-445-4261
Perez, BridgetPart-time Instructor, Affiliate
York, Eric CC Professor, Math 775-445-3305
Earl, KevinPart Time Instructor, Criminal Justice775-445-3348
Spang, Tara-MariePart-time Instructor Criminal Justice
Barnes, Debbie Part-Time Instructor, Mathematics775-445-3290
Banister, AliPart Time Instructor, Criminal Justice775-316-0373
Tavera, MariaPart-time Instructor, English Language Learning/Literacy
Whitehead, PatrickWNC Affiliate Instructor
Gould, SarinaPart-time Instructor, Nursing - Clinical
Johnson, Mark Part Time Instructor, Criminal Justice775-784-6164
Fruechtenicht, DeborahPart-Time Instructor, Nutrition
Dahl, NathanPart-time Instructor, Communication
Wilcox, BryanPart-time Instructor, Emergency Medical Services775-336-4271
Hanson, NoahPart-time Instructor, History
Pierrott, CynthiaGrant Administrator775-445-3219
Rexroad, RandallPart-Time Instructor, Community Education-Motorcycle775-445-4210
Mills, CynthiaPart-time Instructor, Education
Reardon, HeatherProfessor, Nursing775-445-4413
Poune, DalePart-Time Instructor, Music
Kuehn, CynthiaPart-time Instructor, Mathematics
Mccully, ClaireCC Professor, English775-782-2413
Willden, MonaPart Time Instructor, Computer Information Technology
McAuliffe, ShelbyPart-time Instructor, Art
Altemeyer, WindiInstructor, Certified Nursing Assistant
Tattersall, ElizabethCC Professor, Phys Science775-445-4400
Pickrell, MichaelWNC Affiliate Instructor
Shipley, JohnPart Time Instructor, Music
Kammann, KimPart-time Instructor, Certified Nursing Assistant
Feser, JamesDirector of Facilities Operations775-445-3231
Bassen, RachelleCC Professor, Biology775-445-4447
Cocking, KathrynInstructor, Nursing775-445-3245
Ferguson-Kelly, ShelleyPart-time Instructor, Sociology
deBraga, FrankPart-time Instructor, Communication
Underwood, BrianPart-Time Instructor, Educational Psychology
Gillespie, MaryProfessor, English775-445-4442
Ford, Amy ASL Interpreter
Naylor, RandyCC Professor, Applied Tech775-445-4420
Josten, JonathonPart-time Instructor, English
Lazzari, John Executive Director, Student Student Services775-445-3259
Gill, JaspreetMathematics Instructor775-445-4449
Erickson , JeffreyAssistant Director of Facilities/Project Mgr.775-445-4259
Davis, GeorginaPart-Time Instructor, Music775-445-3290
Scott, MargaretPart-Time Instructor, Marketing
Sarnquist, BretPart-time Instructor, Nutrition
Martinez, MeganPart-time Instructor, Nursing - Clinical
Stiehl, RaylenePart-time Instructor, Nursing - Clinical
Medina, CynaraPart-time Instructor, English775-445-3290
Swift , Gary Part time Instructor, Physics775-790-6723
Housken, DianePart Time Instructor, Mathematics775-445-3290
Smith, JenniferPart-Time Instructor, Communications775-445-4272
Craig, MargaretInstructor, American Sign Language
Mcdonald, ScottWelding Instructor-Dual Enrollment
Stoica, EmilPart Time Instructor, Computer Information Technology775-220-0808
Perez, ArnaldoPart-time Instructor, English Language Learning/Literacy
Davies, PaulaPart-time Instructor, English Language Learning/Literacy
Scranton, MelissaPart Time Instructor, Mathematics775-445-3290
Wassum, BenPart-time Instructor, Math
Donegan, DavidPart-time Instructor, Applied Industrial Technology
Mayo, TimothyCommunity College Professor, Math775-423-7565 x2231
Hulsey-Pope, ShelleyPart-time Instructor, Education
Ogg, JoshuaPart-time Instructor, Applied Industrial Technology
Swisher, MartyPart-time Instructor, Educational Psychology
Whitt, JeffPart-time Instructor, Theatre775-445-3290
Flores, DiegoIT Support Specialist775-445-4290
Brandenburg, KevinPart-time Instructor, HSE775-445-4260
Case, DeborahPart-time Instructor, Psychology775-445-3276
Hansen, NataliePart-time Instructor, Emergency Medical Services
Craft, ErikaPart-time Instructor, English Language Learning/Literacy
Vogl, AngelineInstructor, English775-445-3290
Griffin, KimPart-time Instructor, Certified Nursing Assistant775-445-3294
Schwartz, GaryCC Professor, Math775-445-4401
Bathgate, James Part-time Instructor, Economics775-445-4272
Jen Schiller, IreneCC Instructor, Nursing
Perez Martell, DaisyData and Special Projects Manager775-445-3298
Hunt, BryonPart-time Instructor, Fire Science
Pope, GeraldineAccreditation and Curriculum Management Coordinator775-445-4287
Ferroni, MonikaPart Time Instructor, Psychology
Stone, CoryPart-time Instructor, Basic Skill/Math
Coverston, JolenePart-time Instructor, Psychology
Duley, MelodyChief HR Officer/Chief of Staff/Title IX Coordinator775-445-4235
Metoyer, Allie Part-time Instructor, Social Worker
Greene, KTPart-time Instructor, Social Work602-909-1710
Cupp, ZacharyPart-time Instructor, Computer Information Technology
Carr, Cameron Circulation Manager775-445-3223
Brusseau, KatheyPart Time Instructor, Real Estate
Edmiston, MichaelPart-time Instructor, Construction
Heine, KarenPart-time Instructor, English775-445-3290
Fowler, HadleyPart-time Instructor, Surveying
Sly, GregoryCC Instructor, Criminal Justice775-445-4427
Dodge, DarlaPart-Time Instructor, Management775-772-1097
Ramirez, Juan CC Instructor, Applied Tech775-445-3350
Jacobsen, LindaAdmin Assistant 4 | WNC Child Development Center 775-445-4262
Slemenda, LaurenCoordinator | Continuing Education775-445-4210
Hamtak, ChelsieDirector of Admissions and Records/Registrar | WNC Instruction and Student Services775-445-3273
Paul, NicholeDiscovery Librarian | WNC Learning and Innovation 775-445-3228
Edmunds, KatyAdmin Assistant 4 | WNC Learning and Innovation 775-445-3224
Barrera, AdrianAccess Program Coordinator | WNC Academic Advising 775-445-3349
Long, AustinFinancial Aid Judgement Outreach Specialist | WNC Financial Assistance 775-445-3264
Hansen, KirkReprographics Technician 2 | WNC Advancement775-445-3237
Ingraffia-Strong, DebiInterim Director, Nursing 775-445-3334
Gonzalez-Cruz, CristalPart-time Enrollment Assistant775-445-4452
Fillippini, RebekahAdministrative Assistant 4775-445-3291
Anderson, NatashaAdmin Assistant 3 | WNC Nursing and Allied Health775-445-3293
Young, BrettIT Support Specialist | WNC Information Technology Support Services775-445-4290
Lopez, CoralChief Financial Officer | WNC Western Nevada College775-445-4230
Bottoms, DeliaAccounting Assistant 3 | WNC Business Office 775-445-4280
Hogsed, JoshFacility Attendant | WNC Fallon Campus775-445-3386
Swan , Lisa GalloDirector of Fallon Campus & Rural Outreach775-445-3379
Keller, JaredHuman Resources Manager | WNC Human Resources775-445-4233
Trist, SusanProgram Director, Disability Support Services | WNC Instruction and Student Services775-445-4459
Yingling, StevePublic Information Officer775-445-4224
Campana, TempleScholarship/Student Employment Coordinator | WNC Financial Assistance 775-445-3260
Whittington, BrookanneAdmissions/Records Assistant 2 | WNC Admissions and Records 775-445-3272
Liu, SonghaiNetwork Engineer | WNC Information Technology Support Services775-445-4290
Miller, RandalInstructional Technology Manager | WNC Application Support 775-445-4244
Kelly, KyleAdmissions and Records Assistant Director | WNC Admissions and Records775-445-3356
Sanchez, AngelaGrant Support Staff | WNC ACCEL College and Career Readiness 775-445-4451
Stevens, Lauren Director for Academic Advising and Access775-445-3268
McMenomy, JustinDistance Education Specialist | WNC Learning and Innovation 775-445-3360
Martinez, RobertCustodial Supervisor 1 | WNC Buildings and Grounds 775-445-4255
Warnar, DebieEarly Childhood Education 2 775-445-4262
Acosta-Rogers, Anna LisaDirector, Child Development Center | WNC Business Office775-445-4265
Carrasco, TheresaAdministrative Assistant 2775-445-4253
Schmid, RobertGrounds Maintenance Worker 2775-445-3332
Reyes-Banuelos, Elena Administrative Assistant II775-445-3281
Ryan, DanaVice President of Academic 775-445-4454
Ramsey, AmandaAdministrative Assistant IV | WNC Workforce, Career775-445-4272
Heddy, KarenTemporary Administrative Assitant III | WNC VPASA Office Support 775-445-4428
Shafer, MatthewAudiovisual Technician 2 | WNC Instructional and Audio-Visual Technology775-445-4458
McGarity, AshleeAcademic Coaching Support | WNC Library Services 775-445-3393
Morgan, SallyChild Care Worker 2 | WNC Child Development Center 775-445-4262
Myers, KevinIT Professional 2 | WNC Information Technology Support Services775-445-4290
Vincent, Lisa NSHE Specialist 1- Admissions and Records775-445-3279
Villafana, HildaAdministrative Assistant 3 | WNC Advancement 775-445-3325
Gallegos, EricaGreen Up Manager | WNC VPASA Office Support
Dalpe, KyleWNC President | WNC President's Office775-445-4232
Strain, KatherineEnvironment Health & Safety Coordinator775-445-3348
Belbin, RonaldDirector, Learning 775-445-4242
Gwaltney, Kimberly Accounting Assistant II775-445-4221
Schneider, RachaelDigital Content Producer 775-445-3006
Ramirez, RobertoSecurity Officer | UNR Police-Operations Team 6 Support 775-445-3308
Gladys, NikiExecutive Director, Advancement | WNC Western Nevada College 775-445-3239
Dunkelberg, EdieAdministrative Assistant 4 | WNC Nursing and Allied Health 775-445-3294
Golden, TylerStudent Sucess Coordinator | WNC Academic Advising 775-445-3275
Nero, ChrisUniversity Police Lieutenant | UNR Police-Operations775-784-4013
Godin, AmandaNSHE Specialist 1 | WNC Disability Support Services 775-445-3248
Lopez, Lauren Personal Technician 1775-445-4237
Carr, Travis Director, Workforce, Career & Technical Education775-445-3305
Fitzgerald, HaleighAdministrative Assistant 3/Continuing Education775-445-4210
Keith, AndrienneChild Care Worker 2 | WNC Child Development Center 775-445-4262
Muchmore, JimMaintenance Repair Spec 1 | WNC Buildings and Grounds 775-445-3355
Croft, Christopher Career Services Specialist775-445-4423
Whitaker, KathrynOutreach and Access Academic Advisor | WNC Academic Advising 775-445-3385
Smith, DanMaintenance Repair Spec 1 | WNC Buildings and Grounds 775-445-4433
Mason, PhyllisIT Support Specialist, Supervisor | WNC Computing Services 775-445-3249
Afuha'amango, SaraCoordinator of Dual Enrollment775-445-3314
Hill, JessicaAAIV/Veterans School Certifying Official | WNC Financial Assistance Office775-445-3263
Wood, NatalieExecutive Assistant to the Vice President | WNC Instruction and Student Services 775-445-4454
Holt , AngelaDirector, ACCEL College and Career Readiness Program/WNC Student Services 775-445-3298
Wadsworth, TroyDigital Communication Technology Supervisor | WNC Computing Services 775-445-3253
Lindner, KristenDevelopment Coordinator | WNC Advancement775-445-4261
Smith, BrentHR Analyst 1 - Recruiter | WNC Human Resources Office 775-445-4234
Best, ElizabethEnrollment 775-445-4452
Lobsinger, SarahCo-teaching Lead Instructor | WNC Workforce, Career 775-445-4427
Alves , DebbieAdmin Assistant 3 | WNC Facilities Planning and Management 775-445-4225
Rikalo, HeatherStudent Life Coordinator and Assistant to the President | WNC Instruction and Student Services 775-445-3241
Murphy, HallieInstructional Specialist | WNC ACCEL College and Career Readiness 775-445-4451
Lee, PaoCounselor | WNC Academic Advising 775-445-3276
Stout, DeniseCoordinator of Retention/Counselor | WNC Academic Advising and Access 775-445-3314
Stout, JustineStudent Finance Coordinator | WNC Business Office 775-445-4229
Romero, MatthewSecurity Officer | UNR Police-Operations Team 6 Support 775-230-1952
Kay, Amanda Grant Writer775-445-4448
Frias, KennadieAdmin Assistant 4 | WNC Academic Advising 775-445-3216
Casey, Jacqueline775-445-3288
Jones, KathrynJump Start Cohort Coach775-445-3267
Covey, ShannonExecutive Assistant to the CFO | WNC Business Office775-445-4468
Moore, LaurenContinuing Education Coordinator | WNC Advancement 775-445-4210
Valdez, KendallInstructor, Certified Nursing Assistant | WNC Nursing and Allied Health 775-445-3009
Council, ShannonInterpreter | WNC Disability Support Services775-445-4402
Morrison, ScottDirector, Liberal Arts and Sciences | WNC Instruction and Student Services775-445-4401
Barnard, Joelle Academic Coach, American Sign Language
Luster, CassandraAdministrative Assistant 4 | WNC Liberal Arts and Sciences 775-445-4469
Blunt-Lamkey, DesiraeAdmin Assistant 2 | WNC Fallon Campus 775-445-3379
Lewis-deWitt, JulieAssistant 3 | Admissions and Records775-445-3274
Lazzari, J.W.Director, Student Services | WNC Instruction and Student Services 775-445-3259
Carr, CameronCirculation Manager | Learning & Innovation775-445-3223
Mcfarlin, KathleenFinancial Aid Advisor/Student Loan Coordinator | WNC Financial Assistance 775-445-3262
Dangelo, TawnieGear Up Coordinator | WNC Academic Advising 775-445-3267
Mendibles, TracySenior Executive Assistant | WNC President's Office775-445-4236
Eaton, KassyProduction Assistant | WNC Performing Arts POOLED775-445-4249
Stanerson, GretchenAcademic Scheduling Coordinator775-445-4466
Lutao, RicoMaintenance Repair Worker 2 | WNC Fallon Campus 775-445-3373

NOTICE: Information obtained from Western Nevada College may not be used to provide addresses for faculty or staff. This directory is provided for information about the college community and those who have specific interest in reaching individual faculty or staff members. Any solicitation of business to individuals listed in this publication by e-mail, telephone or other means is forbidden. Full terms of use.